medical abbreviations tko
To keep open. Tennessee Kentucky and Ohio. Administration Of Injectable Medications Pharmacology And Administration Of Medications N Medications Nursing Medical School Essentials Pharmacology Nursing JVP jugular venous pressure. . TKO Full FormMeaning is To Keep Open Drlogy. TKO - What does TKO stand for. Tumor necrosis factor. In clinical practice abbreviations are often used in patient progress notes. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary Farlex 2012 Want to thank TFD for its existence. Miscellaneous Farming Agriculture. It is the TLA for To Keep Open - the lowest rate at which IV fluids can be run to maintain patentcy in a life line Another TLA is KVO -Keep Vein Open with increasing experience and development of IV catheters - the. Biology TKO abbreviation meaning defined here. When available the context and original Latin term are provided in parentheses after the English definition. UTI m...